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Image by Sebastian Pena Lambarri


When I was 13 years old, and my parents allowed me to get my SCUBA diving license, something they had always deemed as a dangerous activity for anyone, let alone a child. However, due to a complete fascination with all things under the sea, I found myself taking classes to explore the ocean. Over a decade of dedicated love and amazement later, I watched the most beautiful piece of Earth being destroyed, one bad decision at a time. Finally, I had an opportunity to do my part for the Earth. 

While this is my business, it is also a passion. We at the GRC frag out our corals as they grow, so we can supply you with pieces grown in house, not repeatedly harvested from the ocean. So when you have your tank decorated with our corals, you do not need to worry over how they got there. 


See what we do here

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